Delivering a baby is marked as very painful as well as the greatest happiness in the life of a woman. There are many ways to deliver a baby, namely vaginal delivery and c-section. During pregnancy, a woman’s life is surrounded by different physical, emotional, and psychological changes in the female body. In this blog, we will be discussing the types of exercise for normal delivery along with its benefits, promoting easy and comfortable delivery.
As a woman starts this journey, she discovers a lot of changes, including new exposures and capabilities. It is said that every individual is unique, and hence every individual body also reacts uniquely to different situations and periods. So, it is mentioned before you to consult your female gynaecologist before starting any exercise or continuing any pregnancy exercise for normal delivery.
Let’s dive into the benefits of exercises that a woman can do before delivering a baby to help her reduce the risk of complications, promoting a safer and easier delivery.
Why Doing Exercises for Normal Delivery is Highly Recommended
Regular exercises during pregnancy are helpful for the woman to reduce the chance of complications and help an expecting mom to strengthen their muscles, improving the flexibility of the body for less labour pain and smoother delivery beneficial for the mother as well as the baby inside her womb.
As pregnancy is a journey containing many stages, it is mainly advised for the person to do an exercise based on her stage in the journey. Along with the proper instruction of the doctor, women can empower themselves to take control of their well-being. Let’s start our journey by advising the types of exercises to be done at different stages of the pregnancy.
Periodic Exercises for Normal Delivery Along With Their Benefits
First Trimester Exercises: The initial stage of the journey is the first three months of the pregnancy when the women can start their exercises for normal delivery, which helps in setting the stage for a healthy pregnancy. This is the most sensitive stage for the mother and the baby; hence, it is recommended by the doctor to do gentle exercises. The best exercises for normal delivery during the first trimester include:
- Cardio exercises such as walking, jogging, cycling, climbing stairs, yoga, water aerobics, and many more for at least 150 minutes, according to the report of the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. These ideal exercises for normal delivery will help develop muscle strength and flexibility.
Second Trimester Exercises: The second trimester is known as the best time when a woman can do several exercises under the guidance of the doctor and get a normal delivery done. It is the perfect stage for doing exercise for normal delivery where you prepare your body for labor and delivery, strengthening the core and pelvic floor. The known exercises done during this period are mainly:
- Apart from the exercises done during the first trimester, it is advised to consult a doctor and do kegel exercises, which are mainly known to support the abdominal organs and control bladder functions. The exercises that can be done may also include tricep push-ups, mermaid stretches, and side leg lifts under your health care adviser, avoiding high-impact exercises like running and jumping.
Third Trimester Exercises: In the last stage of pregnancy, also known as the crucial stage when the delivery date is quite near and precautions should be taken, it is mainly advisable to avoid heavy workouts. In this trimester, the exercise guide is provided that is stage-specific, including pre-labour exercise and postpartum exercise.
- Pre-labour exercise is done from the 36th week till the 40th week of the delivery, and it is highly recommended that these exercises play the main role in the normal delivery of the baby. The pre-labour pregnancy exercises for normal delivery mainly include hip circles, deep squats, a child’s pose, and pelvic tilt.
- Postpartum exercises are done after delivery and are beneficial for providing healing and strengthening power for the body. After having a normal delivery, it is highly recommended to do these exercises to get back the shape of the body.
Tips To Be Followed During Exercise For Normal Delivery:
Below are the mentioned tips that are instructed to be followed while doing those best exercises for normal delivery, ensuring that the baby and the mother are safe and comfortable:
- Consult your female gynaecologist before starting any exercise and get complete guidance on the best exercises for normal delivery during all the stages of the pregnancy.
- It is advised to follow what your body is saying so that you don’t face any discomfort and pain during this phase of your life; hence, avoid every heavy task and relax accordingly.
- Comfort should be the main concern of women during this period; hence, wearing and taking food and supplements should be appropriate.
Wrapping Up:
Wrapping it up on a warm note, we hope that doing exercises for normal pregnancy gives a wonderful result and you have a great and smooth delivery and post-recovery soon. It is advised to consult the female gynaecologist before adopting any exercise, as every pregnancy is unique and each body being different can bear different levels of stress. Hence, with the proper guidance of the doctor, the woman should follow exercises for normal delivery.